Parents & Students » Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

We have had students being dropped off before 7:15 at the back entrance. Prior to 7:15am there is not adult supervision. Please sit in the car rider line and wait to drop your student off once the doors open.


We want to thank our parents and guardians who do this every day, we appreciate your cooperation.

Bus Riders:

  • 7:15-7:45: students are dropped off in the front of the school.
    • No other vehicles are allowed in the front drive.
  • 2:45-3:00: students are picked up in the front of the school.


Student Sign Out at the End of the Day:

  • Students can be signed out in the front before 2:30pm each day.
  • After 2:30pm parents/guardians will have to wait in the car rider line to pick their student up.


Car Riders:

  • Before 7:15am students have to be accompanied by an adult, waiting in the car rider line.
    • Cars cannot be parked in parking spots to wait for drop off to begin
    • They must be waiting in the designated lines
  • 7:15-7:45: Students are able to be dropped off in the back of the school
    • Please ensure that when you enter the unloading zone you continue to pull forward until the entire line stops. We will unload 6-7 cars in each lane at a time and allow them to exit before allowing the next set of cars to enter the unloading zone. This helps the line move efficiently and safely.
    • We ask that all individuals stay in their vehicles while students are unloading.
  • 2:45-3:00: Students will be waiting in the back for their vehicle.
    • There is a designated area that students are allowed to wait for their vehicles (between the orange cones)
    • Students are not allowed to go outside of the designated area until car rider monitors give directives
      • This is to ensure that we can clearly see all students enter the waiting vehicles. There will not only be teachers there to stop them from loading but starting today we will have signs to indicate the start of the loading zone.
    • Please ensure that when you enter the loading zone you continue to pull forward until the entire line stops. We will load 6-7 cars in each lane at a time and allow them to exit before allowing the next set of cars to enter the loading zone. This helps the line move efficiently and safely.
    • Students are not supposed to load until they hear teachers say ‘Load Up’ indicating that the line has stopped moving and it is safe for them to walk between the vehicles. Please do not instruct students to ignore teacher directions. We are only focused on the safety of your students and we need your support.
    • We ask that all individuals stay in their vehicles while students are loading. Cars should not be parked waiting for students, all cars must go through the car rider line.


*Reminder! We need written permission for your student to go home with anyone other than a guardian, parent, or sibling. If your child carpools with another family, please send in a note for that to continue. If they are being picked up by someone new, please send a note or email letting us know who will be picking them up, email, [email protected].