Library » Library


Welcome to the CMS Library!

We are dedicated to providing quality, high-interest books for all types of readers in our school. We strive to create an inviting atmosphere as we hope students will enjoy coming to the library to check out books, discuss what they are reading, and develop a life-long love of reading! 

Destiny Discover

Click on the Destiny Discover icon above to see which books are available in the Cheatham Middle School library. When on this site, click “Book” under “Any” in the Destiny Discover search bar to the left to see if it available in our collection. You can also search for other materials such as eBooks, videos, audiobooks, etc. Additionally, you can search for items via author, title and topic by clicking the Advanced Search icon to the right of the search bar. For a tutorial video on how to use Destiny Discover, please click here.