We want to thank you in advance for working with us to ensure your child receives the best education possible. At school we strive to provide every opportunity for our students to succeed, and one of the most important contributors to that success is a student’s regular attendance at school. For that reason, all absences (excused and unexcused), tardies, and early checkouts are recorded daily (and for every class period in middle and high school). All excessive tardies and absences will still be reported to Cheatham County School’s Attendance Supervisor.
While we know regular school attendance is beneficial for students, it is also required by law. The Tennessee Compulsory Attendance Law requires all school-aged children to attend school. The law also states that it is the duty of the parent or guardian to monitor the student’s school attendance and to require the student to attend school.
Please note Cheatham County Board of Education Policy 6.200 classifies excused absences, with proper documentation, as the following:
Personal illness; Illness of immediate family member; Death in the family; Extreme weather conditions; Religious observances; College visits; Pregnancy; School sponsored or school endorsed activities; Summons, subpoena, or court order; or Circumstances which in the judgement of the principal create emergencies over which the student has no control. Additionally, Cheatham County allows up to five (5) parent days per year.
All other absences, or absences without proper documentation are considered unexcused and will be recorded accordingly. Five (5) unexcused absences will result in a student being truant and moved into Tier 2 of the Progressive Truancy Plan. Please see Cheatham County Board of Education procedure 6.200.1 for details on the tiered system. Chronic absenteeism is when a student misses more than 10% of school in a year for any reason. This amounts to 18 days per year. Attendance plays a major role not only in the education of your student but in the accountability of your child’s school. Together, we can ensure your child receives the best education possible.
If you have any questions regarding your child’s attendance, please contact our school office.