Parent Resources
Parent Involvement
Please contact our Dean of Students for more parent involvement information
Ben Howell: [email protected]
Parent Involvement Information
The Parent Involvement Committee is dedicated to serving our students, parents, and community stakeholders of Cheatham Middle School. As a parent or family member of a student at CMS you have the right to be involved in decision-making and activities for family nights, how family engagement funds are being use, how information and training will be provided to families, and how the school will build capacity in families and staff for strong parent and family engagement.
Cheatham Middle has a School-Parent Compact which is a written commitment that outlines how the entire school community-teachers, families, and students will share the responsibility for improved academic achievement.
Cheatham Middle has a School-Parent Compact which is a written commitment that outlines how the entire school community-teachers, families, and students will share the responsibility for improved academic achievement.
Family Engagement Nights
Family Engagement Nights